Friday 3 September 2010

Mouth watering Pike Farci

Holiday, holiday, holiday.... Long time ago have promised to my aunt (I would like to add also many times in that period:) to visit her and that was the moment I could no refuse any further. Jumped in the car with my family, took my parents and there we are. Once we came in I thought there will some kind of wedding or posh dinner for.... lets say.... 20 persons? :) The table was braking down from the ballast of the food and all dishes looked so delicious! There was something on the table I think loads of people haven't seen anything before- Pike Farci or in other words stuffed pike. Its looked like still live with the eyes (ok, red grapes was perfect eye replacement) looking at me and telling: "Eat me!".
After 5 hours of eating and drinking (ladies had Champagne and boys had vodka) catching the equilibrium on legs and the recipe in my hand I been heading to the bed. We had a nice time. And I was excited to make something like this myself. And I made it! Here we go.


Pike, whole with the head on
Onions, 2
Cooked carrots, 2
Butter, slightly
White bread, 3 slices
Cream, 100g
Egg, 1 unit
Dill, fine chopped
Parsley, fine chopped
Salt, to taste
Black ground pepper


Clean the pike without damaging skin and cut out all the flesh leaving only skin with the head on. Cut out the eyes. Separate flesh from the bones. Fine chop onions and fry on the pan until gold and leave to cool. Ground de-boned flesh of the fish with the grinder along with fried onions and cooked carrots. Cut the skins of the white bread slices and soak for 20 min in sour cream. Add to the mince slices of white bread soaked in sour cream, whisked eggs, fine chopped dills and parsley, season with ground pepper and salt and mix well everything. Additionally if desired you can mix in some green petite garden peas. The longer you mix the more fluffy mince you will have. Stuff pike with made mince and close belly. Place on the baking tray with some oil and bake in preheated to 160 degrees oven for 50-60 min.
Once serving, instead of eyes you can place the red grapes or anything what is in your imagination;) Just be creative! Otherwise the pike will bite your finger off :)

Delicious homebaked bacon stuffed buns

Last week I been on holiday and visiting my parents. My mum loves cooking and tries to pamper me with home made food from my childhood. This time she made some fresh baked buns with bacon fillings. I remember when I was a child they been flying of the kitchen table. This time wasn't exceptions:)
As we decided after couple of days to visit the Paradise Island called Neringa and its town Nida I thought it would be nice to have some buns on the way. As all the last ones was gone I asked my mum for recipe and made a fresh ones. To be honest they lasted only for the trip and nothing left once we arrived:) We had a very nice and exciting time in Nida. I even made some track called "One night in Nida" and dedicated to the town. If you would like to have a perfect mixture of relax and some action this place would be the irreplaceable.
Ok, back to the topic to the delicious bacon cube buns:)

For dough:

Wheat flour 500 grams

Milk 250 ml

Eggs, 1 unit

Sugar 1 tablespoon

Salt 1 tsp

Oil 5 tbsp

Yeast 20 g


1 onion

200g smoked pork bacon cubes

ground pepper

Mix yeast dough from the ingredients and leave for 2 hours to rise. Mix bacon cubes with fine chopped onion and season with ground pepper. (Additionally you can add some cumin seeds)

Take the piece of dough and roll it to the flat round scones in diameter of approx. 6 inches. Place full table spoon of the filling right in the middle and close all forming dumplings. Place on the backing tray and leave for another 10-15 min to rise the dough. Brush the buns with the whipped egg yolk mixed with a dash of water and bake in preheated oven (170-180 degrees) for about 20-25 minutes.

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Pan fried duck liver with balzamic orange

Last day a had a duck for my guests but unfortunately did not make any pictures. So decided there is no point to post a recipe of my duck as I know from myself what is like only to read but not see (preferably if possible I would rather taste it then read the recipe:)
The duck I bought in "Waitrose" had a liver stacked inside of it. I took it out before marinating the bird, left in the fridge and found only next day. So decided to do something out of it. My guests was very impressed by the creativity and look of the dish and more surprisingly by the taste.
I just made it out of something what I found by my hand at the moment. You can follow my recipe or just be more creative and make it out of your own products you have by your hand.
What you will need.

1 ducks liver 200 g white wine
50 g soya sauce
0.25 bunch coriander
balsamic vinegar
1 orange
olive oil

Marinate ducks' liver in the mix of white wine, soya sauce, pepper and a dash of sugar for about two hours. Fry it in the pan on olive oil for 5 min on both sides. Add chopped coriander and fry for another 1 minute.
Put a bit of olive oil on another pan, pour some balzamic vinegar and add a bit of sugar. Stir well until the sugar melts. Put thick cut orange slices and fry for 1 minute on each side.
Serving suggestions you can see from the picture above;)

Friday 18 June 2010

Lemon thyme infused mushrooms with baked radish

Just will try to keep short this time. This is very easy but very tasty starter and it takes only 15 min in total to prepare.
You need :

Chestnut mushrooms
Fresh radish
Lemon thyme

Slice mushrooms and fresh radish. Chop one clove of garlic. Melt a bit of butter on frying pan and fry chestnut mushrooms for 5 minutes. Add chopped garlic, chopped lemon thyme (I'm personally using only leaves of lemon thyme), sliced fresh radish and fry for another 3-5 minutes.
Off you go! All done just don't forget to enjoy it with a peace of your favourite bread.

Strawberry marinated succulent chicken

Last day I went to the shop and got loads of strawberries. Because of the season you can get cheap and quality ones. I love strawberries! But just to eat them on its own it's a bit boring. Ok, there are thousands of recipes out of strawberries, but I wanted something extraordinary.
The solution came across the chicken breast fillet in my fridge. Why not to try and mix those flavours together?
And you know what?.... you will be surprised how tasty, extraordinary and refreshing it is! Ok. Lets go to the point.

What you need for 2 portions:

Chicken breast fillet 1
Strawberry yoghurt 150g
Strawberries 2 (for decoration)
Red whine vinegar 50ml

for salad:

olive oil

for sauce:

grenadine cordial

Marinate chicken breast filet in the mix of strawberry yoghurt, red wine vinegar for about 2 hours (longer you leave more succulent it will be). Season with salt and pepper.
While its marinating you can prepare the salad. Slice strawberries and avocado. Mix with the spinach leaves and chopped mint. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with olive oil.
Preheat the oven to 200ยบ and bake marinated chicken for 35 minutes.
Slice it and serve on plate along with your salad. Decorate your chicken with the sliced strawberries (you can sprinkle also some chopped mint over).
Apply the sauce of grenadine cordial mixed with the fresh squeezed lemon juice.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Tuna Pie

WARNING! This is completely different of the fish pie. It even tastes differently.

You will be surprised, but even if you don't like a fish you will love it, because it even doesn't taste like fish. The taste is more similar to chicken rather to fish (unless someone will tell you what you are eating:). It's so easy to do and takes only up to 45 minutes in total. But you can enjoy it for another few days (not sure about this, as all my friends who tasted it did not left anything for later or even myself:).

And another best thing is you can enjoy both hot and cold (again, if there will be enough time to chill out until your last bite:)

What you need for 4-6 portions:

1 Puff Pastry Sheet (I been using Jus.Rol)
2 tins of tuna in brine
1 onion
2-3 apples
150-200 ml double cream
fresh lemon thyme

Roll your pastry sheet on the baking tray. Drain the tuna out of tin and spread in small paces equally all over your sheet. Put the next lay of thin cut onion rings. Peel the apples and grate them spreading equally all over your pie. Season with salt and pepper. Additionally you can season (and I strongly recommend, as this ads very nice touch) with fresh lemon thyme. It should look something like this.

Preheat oven to 200ยบ. Pour the double cream over your pie and bake for 35 minutes.
And please, tell me how did you liked it ;)

Tuesday 13 April 2010

My painting "Mother and Child"

Hi, this time no food will be involved. There is more different arts then create a food. For example painting. I never been painting but had this vision for longer time. So wanted to perpetuate something what's been on my mind.
In the crafts shop bought some canvas and acrylic painting. I knew acrylic is easy to paint and dray and it seemed to be perfect for me. Same as experimenting with the food wanted to experiment with the brushes and paint:)
The main idea came out while my family been away. I wanted to show the strong relationship between mother and daughter (in this case my daughter:). Their are bounded together in one unit facing each other. Ok, no more talks just look at it and I would be really glad to get some reviews as this is one of my first paintings.
"Mother and a child". 240x300mm acrylic on canvas. Signed by me :))))

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Tuna and Avocado salad

My refrigerator must to be unfreeze and cleaned so decided to be for some time on diet. Been checking what I've got. Surprisingly many tins of tuna chunks. I love that fish, but mostly fresh tuna stakes. Never mind, have to be quick as still loads to do with my marketing business. So will be short as the recipe this time (and the time I consumed it).
What I used:

Tuna chunks
Rocket salad

No instructions this time as you can do any way you like. Or just simply copy the layout from the picture. Sprinkle salt, fresh crushed peppers, olive oil and squeeze wedge of lemon over. Simple as that! But really tasty.

Honey baked Banana with cinnamon

I remember some time ago been visiting Chinese restaurant but can't really remember what country was it and when. I remember only I head baked banana and the taste was amazing. One day I head loads of bananas at home and no cakes (my wife and daughter loves cakes:). After the dinner we been in the mood for something sweet but all the shops has been closed as it was Sunday. Then I came with the idea to recreate baked bananas but in my own way (as I really could nor remember the original dish). I checked what the products I've got and there was enough to mix some ingredients and get the flavour I wanted. The taste was amazing and I prepare it every time I have bananas. Its easy, quickly and delicious.

You will need:

Vanilla (optional)

Melt in the pan on small heat some butter and honey and mix well. If you like more sweet ad more honey, but I putting about one spoon. Now you can add some vanilla if you like. But that's additionally. Cut the bananas along and bake the halves until light brown. I usually baking about 2 min on on side and 1 min on other.
Put on the plate, pour over the caramelised honey and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Thursday 25 March 2010

Nutrition- what to eat if..

... awaiting the day full of stress.

 Eat oatmeal porridge. Oats has long been known as a nervine plant. Or, eat boiled eggs with some bread and drink a glass of juice. That food is full of iron, protein and carbohydrates - all day long you'll be energetic and in good spirits. Carbohydrate and protein combination reduces stress hormone levels and eliminate the stress caused by such symptoms as muscle tension. In order to quickly calm down, eat handful of dried apricots and drink a cup of chamomile tea. 

 ... need more energy

 By eating breakfast cereal you get the most energy and nutrients. You can prepare a meal in the already in the evening - pour orange juice or yogurt over the cereal, add honey to taste and put a bowl in the refrigerator. In the morning in addition cut some fresh bananas, oranges or berries. During the day eat often, but in small portions - eat bananas, nuts or fruit plate. For the lunch be sure you will eat fresh vegetable soup with bread or a sandwich with tuna. 

... you actively exercise.

 Active exercising needs a lot of energy. So you should eat that kind of food, which is very quickly broken down into glucose and absorbed into the blood. Eat an hour before the workout. Bananas may contains potassium, which prevents the muscle spasms. Before and after the workout be sure to drink a lot - water, juice or a special drink for athletes. 

... you want a better sleep.

 If you want to sleep like a log, eat dinner two hours before you will go to the bed. In this situation for dinner is very suitable high starch foods (rice, potatoes or chicken) as well as bananas, nuts, seeds and grains. 

... you need to concentrate.

 40 percent. carbohydrates consumed by us is used for brain. Therefore, if you need to concentrate, eat more grains, fruits and vegetables. They are also rich in vitamin C, which improves memory. Oily fish (eg salmon) is the best food for the brain - it has the proteins that helps to remain fit, and fatty acids which ones are related to mental capacity. Give up refined carbohydrates (eg cakes) and coffee. It's proven that the exams pass better those who do not drink coffee.
... you catch up cold.

 Once you first feel unpleasant symptoms of a cold, eat more fruit and vegetables, because now you require a higher vitamin C content. One kiwi contains two times more vitamin C than you need per day. One of garlic every day is enough to strengthen the immunity. 

... you have headache.

 Avoid strong cheese, red wine, citrus fruit and chocolate as for the food-sensitive people it may worsen headaches. You may have a headache and because of the lack of body fluids or you are just simply hungry. Foods with a high concentrated sugars (honey, tomato paste) may reduce pain.

Herring salad sandwiches

Another day my wife visited Eastern Europe shop and bought some herring fillets in oil. Their coming in different flavours like cinnamon, smoked and so on and it's very delicious. But most important thing- there's no bones as I hate the small bones in the fish. She's got the plain ones. There is many ways what you can do with the herring fillet. I think Vietnamese's frying in. I remember once when I been in Germany, some my neighbours been frying the herring and the smell was something you could not stand for. I nearly wanted to call them firefighters:) Or maybe they been doing something wrong... Another, traditional dish from Eastern Europe is very simple. You just eat them with boiled potatoes and creme frache (delicious!) what reminds me on the remote village life.
But I decided to do something different. Just the small bites as a snack or starter if you like.
Here comes my simple but delicious recipe:

3-4 Herring Fillet
1 onion
2 carrots
sunflower seeds
ketchup and mayonnaise

Fry onions and carrots in the pan on sunflower oil until soft. Don't put to much oil. Once fired it has to be more or less dry. On another pan with no oil fry sunflower seeds until light brown (don't forget to stir them all the time while frying). Cut the herring fillet in small slices. Once your mixture of carrots and onions is chilled mix everything together by adding ketchup and mayonnaise. Serve on rye bred or on its own.
Maybe it doesn't looks tasty but if you like fish- it's delicious! Believe me.

Monday 22 March 2010

Salted Salmon

This time will be quick post. No long introductions.
Everyone knows about smoked salmon. But very little people knows that instead of buying smoked salmon you can make your own- salted, which tastes even better (at least for me).
Just buy salmon fillet or cut the fillet out of whole fish. Slice the fillet in thin slices trying cut them bigger as possible.
In the container (that's what I usually do), where you will store your salmon, lay down one layer of the fish, season with sea salt, freshly crushed black pepper and a very little of sugar. Repeat the process every lay until all the fish is layered. Put some bay leafs every 2-3 layers. Leave in the fridge for 12 hours at least. Consume within the time you think is consumable:) (my opinion best within 2-3 days).
It's very great for starter or served with the boiled egg (cut in halves) by the side. I love it to have for my weekend breakfast.

Sunday 21 March 2010

Pan fried Turbot with cinnamon carrots

Today I went with the family to Waitrose. My daughter needed some milk for breakfast. Actually this is the place I love most. It is a bit expensive but is worth to buy because of the quality, freshness and friendly customer service. Although you can find some really cheap products if their date is nearly to expire. So decided to take a look today at the fish counter if there is something cheap (as I said, I'm just simple guy not some investment banker). I came across the fish called Turbot. I still have no idea what it is but for me looked it nice and, in my way, I already imagined the finished product on the plate with finished taste. Ofcourse you can try this with any other fish (I would suggest the white fish fits best). This is how I imagined it and how it looked on the plate (still don't know what kind of sea animal Turbot is but it tasted great).

Message for food professionals: maybe it doesn't looks impressive, but sorry, I never read the cooking books despite having bunch of them at home (still hope one day I will need them).

Pan fried Turbot with cinnamon carrots
(portion for two)

2 Turbot (kinda sea beast) filet
1 middle size carrot
sunflower seeds
0.5 orange

Make some cuts (not deep) across the turbot filet and fry it in preheated pan on the oil. Season with salt and pepper.
In as mall pan preheat a table spoon of olive oil. Fry thin cut carrot stows for one min and add sunflower seeds. Season with salt and pepper and fry it for another min. Peel the halve of orange and cut in cubes. Ad to carrots and fry for another 0.5-1 min. And at the very end sprinkle some cinnamon and mix all.
That's how I wanted to be served, but you can do it your way (I think it would taste good with steamed vegetables or potatoes).
Put in the middle of the plate leaf of lettuce salad. Serve the hot fish on the middle of salad leaf with the carrot mixture on top of the fish.
It tasted great!

Cold Beetroot Soup

The sun is shining outside with the strong spring feeling inside. So been going to car-boot sale but it seems it was a bit to early. Spent about 3 hours in traffics (where the hell all those people going sunday early in the morning, maby to car-boo sales as well?:).
So after annoying trip and unsuccessful hunting for bargain (what a wasteful Sunday spending when such nice weather) I decided to have something cool (just to cool down my anger:). And this cold beetroot soup was the best fit. Already while sitting in the car I could taste in my imaginations that refreshment. Yes, refreshment. Honestly, you should try it in hot summer days and this will be ideal refreshment (without alcohol sure:) keeping your hunger down. Just look at the picture (I know, the picture is not professional, I done it with my iPhone, but once will get the professional one I think the quality of pictures will improve). It takes only minutes to prepare and it's very easy.

And here is the recipe:

1 jar (0.5) of slightly pickled beetroot (although you can use simply cooked ones)
Half fresh cucumber
2 hard boiled eggs
Bunch of spring onions
Small bunch of dill
0.75-1l greek yogurt (I'm using kefir)
Some milk (just to make yogurt thinner)

Grate beetroots (or use the ready grated ones from your thin) and cucumber i the pot. Chop hard boiled eggs, spring onions and dills. Mix greek yogurt with some milk (just to make a bit thinner consistence- but not too thin). Pour it in to the pot over your ingredients, add some salt and mix well.
It's done! Easy, isn't?
Serve accompanied with steamed or boiled baby potatoes.
And don't forget to tell me if it was refreshing ;)

Thursday 18 March 2010

Hi5, Food Lovers!

WARNING! If you DON'T have a passion for quality food or cooking- DO NOT READ MY BLOG or FOLLOW ME;)
Maybe some professional cooks or food experts will find my blog boring with nothing new in it, but I do this with love and passion and want to share my cooking experience with the world. All you will find in my cooking blog is not followed by some recipes, is just the expression how I felt myself while creating this particular dish.