Friday 3 September 2010

Delicious homebaked bacon stuffed buns

Last week I been on holiday and visiting my parents. My mum loves cooking and tries to pamper me with home made food from my childhood. This time she made some fresh baked buns with bacon fillings. I remember when I was a child they been flying of the kitchen table. This time wasn't exceptions:)
As we decided after couple of days to visit the Paradise Island called Neringa and its town Nida I thought it would be nice to have some buns on the way. As all the last ones was gone I asked my mum for recipe and made a fresh ones. To be honest they lasted only for the trip and nothing left once we arrived:) We had a very nice and exciting time in Nida. I even made some track called "One night in Nida" and dedicated to the town. If you would like to have a perfect mixture of relax and some action this place would be the irreplaceable.
Ok, back to the topic to the delicious bacon cube buns:)

For dough:

Wheat flour 500 grams

Milk 250 ml

Eggs, 1 unit

Sugar 1 tablespoon

Salt 1 tsp

Oil 5 tbsp

Yeast 20 g


1 onion

200g smoked pork bacon cubes

ground pepper

Mix yeast dough from the ingredients and leave for 2 hours to rise. Mix bacon cubes with fine chopped onion and season with ground pepper. (Additionally you can add some cumin seeds)

Take the piece of dough and roll it to the flat round scones in diameter of approx. 6 inches. Place full table spoon of the filling right in the middle and close all forming dumplings. Place on the backing tray and leave for another 10-15 min to rise the dough. Brush the buns with the whipped egg yolk mixed with a dash of water and bake in preheated oven (170-180 degrees) for about 20-25 minutes.

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