Thursday 25 March 2010

Nutrition- what to eat if..

... awaiting the day full of stress.

 Eat oatmeal porridge. Oats has long been known as a nervine plant. Or, eat boiled eggs with some bread and drink a glass of juice. That food is full of iron, protein and carbohydrates - all day long you'll be energetic and in good spirits. Carbohydrate and protein combination reduces stress hormone levels and eliminate the stress caused by such symptoms as muscle tension. In order to quickly calm down, eat handful of dried apricots and drink a cup of chamomile tea. 

 ... need more energy

 By eating breakfast cereal you get the most energy and nutrients. You can prepare a meal in the already in the evening - pour orange juice or yogurt over the cereal, add honey to taste and put a bowl in the refrigerator. In the morning in addition cut some fresh bananas, oranges or berries. During the day eat often, but in small portions - eat bananas, nuts or fruit plate. For the lunch be sure you will eat fresh vegetable soup with bread or a sandwich with tuna. 

... you actively exercise.

 Active exercising needs a lot of energy. So you should eat that kind of food, which is very quickly broken down into glucose and absorbed into the blood. Eat an hour before the workout. Bananas may contains potassium, which prevents the muscle spasms. Before and after the workout be sure to drink a lot - water, juice or a special drink for athletes. 

... you want a better sleep.

 If you want to sleep like a log, eat dinner two hours before you will go to the bed. In this situation for dinner is very suitable high starch foods (rice, potatoes or chicken) as well as bananas, nuts, seeds and grains. 

... you need to concentrate.

 40 percent. carbohydrates consumed by us is used for brain. Therefore, if you need to concentrate, eat more grains, fruits and vegetables. They are also rich in vitamin C, which improves memory. Oily fish (eg salmon) is the best food for the brain - it has the proteins that helps to remain fit, and fatty acids which ones are related to mental capacity. Give up refined carbohydrates (eg cakes) and coffee. It's proven that the exams pass better those who do not drink coffee.
... you catch up cold.

 Once you first feel unpleasant symptoms of a cold, eat more fruit and vegetables, because now you require a higher vitamin C content. One kiwi contains two times more vitamin C than you need per day. One of garlic every day is enough to strengthen the immunity. 

... you have headache.

 Avoid strong cheese, red wine, citrus fruit and chocolate as for the food-sensitive people it may worsen headaches. You may have a headache and because of the lack of body fluids or you are just simply hungry. Foods with a high concentrated sugars (honey, tomato paste) may reduce pain.

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