Wednesday 30 June 2010

Pan fried duck liver with balzamic orange

Last day a had a duck for my guests but unfortunately did not make any pictures. So decided there is no point to post a recipe of my duck as I know from myself what is like only to read but not see (preferably if possible I would rather taste it then read the recipe:)
The duck I bought in "Waitrose" had a liver stacked inside of it. I took it out before marinating the bird, left in the fridge and found only next day. So decided to do something out of it. My guests was very impressed by the creativity and look of the dish and more surprisingly by the taste.
I just made it out of something what I found by my hand at the moment. You can follow my recipe or just be more creative and make it out of your own products you have by your hand.
What you will need.

1 ducks liver 200 g white wine
50 g soya sauce
0.25 bunch coriander
balsamic vinegar
1 orange
olive oil

Marinate ducks' liver in the mix of white wine, soya sauce, pepper and a dash of sugar for about two hours. Fry it in the pan on olive oil for 5 min on both sides. Add chopped coriander and fry for another 1 minute.
Put a bit of olive oil on another pan, pour some balzamic vinegar and add a bit of sugar. Stir well until the sugar melts. Put thick cut orange slices and fry for 1 minute on each side.
Serving suggestions you can see from the picture above;)

Friday 18 June 2010

Lemon thyme infused mushrooms with baked radish

Just will try to keep short this time. This is very easy but very tasty starter and it takes only 15 min in total to prepare.
You need :

Chestnut mushrooms
Fresh radish
Lemon thyme

Slice mushrooms and fresh radish. Chop one clove of garlic. Melt a bit of butter on frying pan and fry chestnut mushrooms for 5 minutes. Add chopped garlic, chopped lemon thyme (I'm personally using only leaves of lemon thyme), sliced fresh radish and fry for another 3-5 minutes.
Off you go! All done just don't forget to enjoy it with a peace of your favourite bread.

Strawberry marinated succulent chicken

Last day I went to the shop and got loads of strawberries. Because of the season you can get cheap and quality ones. I love strawberries! But just to eat them on its own it's a bit boring. Ok, there are thousands of recipes out of strawberries, but I wanted something extraordinary.
The solution came across the chicken breast fillet in my fridge. Why not to try and mix those flavours together?
And you know what?.... you will be surprised how tasty, extraordinary and refreshing it is! Ok. Lets go to the point.

What you need for 2 portions:

Chicken breast fillet 1
Strawberry yoghurt 150g
Strawberries 2 (for decoration)
Red whine vinegar 50ml

for salad:

olive oil

for sauce:

grenadine cordial

Marinate chicken breast filet in the mix of strawberry yoghurt, red wine vinegar for about 2 hours (longer you leave more succulent it will be). Season with salt and pepper.
While its marinating you can prepare the salad. Slice strawberries and avocado. Mix with the spinach leaves and chopped mint. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with olive oil.
Preheat the oven to 200ยบ and bake marinated chicken for 35 minutes.
Slice it and serve on plate along with your salad. Decorate your chicken with the sliced strawberries (you can sprinkle also some chopped mint over).
Apply the sauce of grenadine cordial mixed with the fresh squeezed lemon juice.